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eGuide: Paul Zizka's Guide to Image File Management and Workflow

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As a professional photographer and photo educator, I often get asked questions about my personal workflow and how I manage my images, especially when I come home from a trip with thousands of files. What you’ll find in this eGuide is that process, fine-tuned after much trial and error. Take from it what you like and refine it so that it works for you. After all, there is no one correct workflow that will fit all photographers. What’s most important is that you develop a process you can stick with in the long run. 


What's inside?

* Printable: Detailed workflow checklist.
* Printable: Workflow in brief.
* Additional resources and photo education options.

If you have any issues accessing your download, please contact us at Note: Upon purchasing, a download link will appear on your confirmation screen (you may need to wait a few moments). An email will also be sent to you with your download. 

© All contents copyright Paul Zizka, 2025. 

*This download is for personal use only and not to be widely distributed (you may share it amongst your devices, however). Please refer your fellow photographers to if they would like a copy.*


File Details

PDF format  •  7 pages   •  2.6MB  


Download the Adobe Acrobat Reader app on your devices in order to open the PDF.  

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Scott Darling
Paul Zizka's File Management Guide

Paul's guide is excellent! Whereas for me personally, some of it is familiar from my own experience, he still provided some good tips!

Kim Bencich

Awesome insight and help

Manoel Antunes Martins Neto
Poor content

Not much information, I expected more deep information and image where could be more visible

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